MCQ on Biomolecule Class-12

Which of the following vitamins is water soluble?

Glucose cannot be classified as ?

Proteins are the polymers of -amino acids and they are connected to each other by ------


Identify the pair of epimers

What will be the sequence of complimentary strand of DNA if the one strand of DNA has the sequence of TATGACTG?

Which is a fat soluble vitamin?

D-Glucose and L-Glucose are

Millon’s test is given by

Select the base which is not common in DNA and RNA.

Vitamin C must be supplied regularly in diet because

How many amino acids (approximately) are involved during the synthesis of protein?

Fructose reduce Tollen’s reagent due to

Reduction of hexose A (molecular formula C6H12O6) with sodium borohydride gives compound B and C. Compound B is optically inactive, whereas compound C is optically active . Which of the following is compound A?

Biuret test is used for

Vitamin A is present in-

Osazone formation involves only 2 carbon atoms of glucose because of

Which one of the following is reducing sugar?

Carbohydrates have

Deficiency of vitamin E causes

Find out the correct option among the following statements.

Which carbohydrate is used in silvering of mirror?

Deficiency of biotin causes dermatitis and paralysis, biotin is also known as

The pair of compounds in which both the compounds give positive test with Tollen’s reagent is

Phosphodiester linkage is present between which carbon atoms of pentose sugars of nucleotides?

Which of the following statements is not correct?

In iodine test of starch which colour of ppt had been observed

Molisch’s test reagent is

Carbohydrate that cannot be hydrolysed further to give simpler unit of polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone.

Which of the following is the correct statement?

Which of the following bases is not present in RNA?

How many number of water molecules are removed from the n number of amino acids during the formation of peptide bond?

Fehling’s solution test is given by

Guanine is an example of

The two monosaccharide units obtained on hydrolysis of disaccharide may be

Which one of the following is non-reducing sugar?

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