Aldehyde and ketone MCQ Quiz

Formaldehyde gives an additive product with methyl magnesium iodide which on aqueous hydrolysis yields:

What is the product of oxidation of 2-butanone with conc. HNO3

Acetaldehyde is converted to ethane by Wolff-Kishner reduction. Acetaldehyde is treated with:


Aldehydes are first oxidation products of :

The formation of cyanohydrin from a ketone is an example of :

The Cannizzaro’s reaction is not given by:


Arrange the followings according to the increasing order of reactivity in nucleophilic addition reaction: (I) Acetaldehyde ,(II) Acid chloride ,(III) Ketone, (IV) Ester

The product formed by the reaction of an aldehyde with a primary amine is :

Aldol condensation does not occur between--


Compound ‘A’ undergoes formation of cyanohydrin which on hydrolysis gives lactic acid [CH3CH(OH)COOH].

The oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde with chromyl chloride in CCl4 is called:

CH3CHO and C6H5CH2CHO can be distinguished chemically by:


Tollen’s reagent is:

When 2-butyne is treated with dil. H2SO4/HgSO4, the product formed is:

Aldehydes group can occur:


The product formed in aldol condensation is:

When acetaldehyde is heated with Fehling’s solution, it gives a red precipitate of:

Which of the following will not show aldol condensation?


Fehling’s solution is :

Hydrocarbons are formed when aldehydes and ketones are reduced with amalgamated zinc and conc. HCl. The reaction is called:

The condensation reaction between one equivalent of acetone and two equivalents of benzaldehyde in presence of dilute alkali leads to the formation of :


Which of the following reactions will not result in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds?

Which of the following aldehydes gives Cannizzaro’s reaction when heated with strong alkali?

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