RBSE Class 12th chemistry paper 2023(PDF)

RBSE Class 12th Chemistry Paper 2023:- This chemistry paper was held on 27th march 2023. Read complete post to view and download rbse class 12th chemistry paper 2023.


Q-1) write the answer of following MCQ in the given answer book:-

i) when concentration of Zn2+ and Cu2+ is unity, then electrical potential of Daniell cell will be –

(A) 0.00 v

(B) 1.10 v

(C) 1.35 v

(D) 2.00 v

II) Expression is integrated rate equation of order of reaction –

(A) zero order

(B) first order

(C) second order

(D) third order

iii) To express the rate at a particular moment of time we determine the _________.

(A) Initial rate

(B) Instantaneous rate

(C) Average rate

(D) Standard rate

iv) colloidal antimony is used in curing of –

(A) kalaazar

(B) Stomach disorder

(C)Skin disease

(D)Sexual disease

v) calamine is ore of –

(A) Al

(B) Fe

(C) Cu

(D) Zn

vi) didentate ligand is –

(A) C2O4 2-


(C) NH3

(D) Cl

vii) The name of CF2Cl2 in freon method is –

(A) Freon-112

(B) Freon-12

(C) Freon-122

(D) Freon-11

viii) In the reaction of manufacture of phenol from cumene the by – product is —

(A) Tribromo phenol

(B) Benzoqunone

(C)Picric acid

(D) Acetone

ix) The nitrogeneous base not present is DNA —

(A) Adenine

(B) Cytosine

(C) Guanine

(D) Uracil

Q-2) Fill in the blancks-

i) When the added substace reduces the rate of reaction, it is called ______in place of catalyst.

ii) The accumution of molecular species at the surface rather than in the bulk of a solid or liquid is termed____.

ii)in willianson synthesis the ____ react with sodium alkoxide and give dialkyl ether.

iv)The aqueous solution of ___ is called fehlig solution A.

Q.3)Very Short Anwer Type Question:-

i)write order of reaction of natural and artificial nuclear decay.

ii)write the name of enzyme used in decomposition of urea in to ammonia and carbondioxide.

iii)Represent sucrose by Haworth structure.

iv)Draw labeled diagram of electro-dialysis.

v)draw labeled diagram of frouth floatation process.

Vi)write chemical equation to prepare salicylic acid from phenol.

vii)write IUPAC name of iso-butyl alcohol.

viii)write chemical forfula of benzene diazonium chloride.


Short Answer Type Questions:-

Q.4) Calculate number of particles i face cubic unit cell.

Q.5) Explain P-type semiconductor by one example

Q.6)Write chemical equation to prepare diphenyl from chlorobenzene.

Q.7) A 35% (V/V) solution of ethylene glycol is used in vehicle for cooling the engine. Determine the volume of water in millilitre.

Q.8) Write definition of osmosis. Write name of method used in desalination of sea water.

Q.9) Draw the geometrical isomers of [Pt(H2O)2 Br2 ] and write thir configurations.

Q.10) Write IUPAC name of Following:-

i) [ Cu(H2O)4 ]2+

ii) [Co(NH3)6] Br3

iii) [Fe(CN)6]3-

Q.11) Write short note on Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction.

Q.12) Give reason that trimethyl amine is less basic than methyl amine.

Q.13) Explain artifitial sweetening agents by any two examples

Q.14) Give any one example of following-

i) Antibiotics

ii) Narcotics analgesics

ii) Antacids

Q.15) Explain Swarts reaction by any one example.


Long type answer questions:-

Q.16)- i) Describe the structure of fuel cell.

ii) Draw labeled diagram of fuel cell.

Q.17)- i) Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of Cu 2+ ion.

ii) Give reason that Zn, Cd, Hg And Cn are not transition elements.

iii) Write name of components of brass.

Q.18) write difference between –

i) Low density polythene and High density polythene

ii) Homopolymers and Copolymers.

iii) Natural polymers and Synthetic polymers.


Essay Type question :-

Q.19) – i) write structural formula of pyrophosphoric acid and cyclo trimetaphosphoric acid

ii) write any two difference between rhombic and monoclinic sulphur


i) write structural formula of peroxodisuphuric acid and pyrosuphuric acid.

ii) write any two difference between white phosphorus and red phosphorus.

Q.20)- i)

ii) Write short note on Gattermann reaction.



ii) write short note on rosenmund reaction.

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