IUPAC Nomenclature Practice Questions |Class-10, class-11, class-12 MCQ Test

Here we provide IUPAC Nomenclature practice question-answer test, MCQ test for all classes like class- 12, class-11, class-10. These IUPAC question help to improve the knowledge of student. IUPAC Nomenclature is very essential of Chemistry.

IUPAC Name is made up of three parts – Word root, Suffix and Prefix

  • Word Root :- It is the number of carbons in longest selected chain
  • Prefix:- Those group whose name is written before word root.
  • Suffix:- Those groups whose name is written after word root

IUPAC Nomenclature Basic Practice Question


Q1. What do you mean by IUPAC?

  1. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
  2. International Unique of Pure and Applied Chemistry
  3. International Union of Physics and Applied Chemistry

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Q2.What is word root?

  1. number of carbon in selected chain
  2. number of hydrogen in selected chain
  3. number of oxygen in selected chain

number of carbon in selected chain

Q3. What is Prefix?

  1. word comes before word root
  2. words come after word root
  3. words come between word root

word comes before word root


Q4. What is suffix?

  1. word comes before word root
  2. words come after word root
  3. words come between word root

words come after word root

Q5.Name to organic compound is given by___

  1. IUPCA
  2. IUPS
  3. IUPAC



Q6.IUPAC name is made up of-

  1. Prefix
  2. Suffix
  3. Word root
  4. All

Prefix, word root and Suffix

Q7.Which one is word root in the following__

  1. Amino
  2. Chloro
  3. Oct
  4. Ol



Q8.Which one is prefix in the following__

  1. Methyl
  2. Methoxy
  3. Bromo
  4. All


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Q9.Which one is suffix in the following__

  1. ol
  2. al
  3. oic acid
  4. All


Q10.Suffix for double bond is__

  1. ane
  2. amine
  3. ene
  4. al


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