Solution MCQ Class-12

  1. On adding non-volatile, boiling point of liquid –
    • Decrease
    • Increases
    • Not change
    • All

  1. On adding non-volatile solute, vapour pressure of liquid
    • Increases
    • Decrease
    • All
    • None

  1. On adding non-volatile solute, freezing point  of liquid
    • Increases
    • Decrease
    • All
    • None

  1. Vapour pressure of solution always _________than pure solvent
    • More
    • Less
    • Equal
    • All

  1. boiling of solution is always _________than pure solvent
    • More
    • Less
    • Equal
    • All

  1. Azeotrope mixture have-
    • Constant boiling point
    • Do not separated by fraction distillation
    • Same composition in vapour & liquid
    • All

  1. Colligative properties do not depend on
    • Particle number
    • Molar concentration
    • Molal concentration
    • Nature of solute

  1. Which one is not colligative property
    • Boiling point
    • Depression in F.P
    • Osmotic pressure
    • None

  1. Elevation in boiling point when one mole of solute is added to 1000g solvent is
    • Molal constant
    • Molar constant
    • Molal elevation constant
    • Molar elevation constant

  1. Depression in freezing point when molality of solution is taken as unity is called
    • Molal elevation constant
    • Molal depression constant
    • Molal freezing constant
    • Molal solution

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