Solution MCQ Class-12

  1. Isotonic solution have
    • More osmotic pressure
    • Less osmotic pressure
    • Same osmotic pressure
    • All

  1. Solution having High osmotic pressure is called-
    • Isotonic
    • Hypertonic
    • Hypotonic
    • All

  1. Permeable membrane allows
    • Solute only
    • Solvent only
    • Both
    • None

  1. Semipermiable membrane allow
    •  Solute only
    • Solvent only
    • Both
    • None

  1. In osmosis, solvent moves from –
    • Solute to solvent
    • Solute to solution
    • Solvent to solution
    • Solution to solvent

  1. Which method is used to purify saline water-
    • Osmosis
    • Diffusion
    • Reverse osmosis
    • All

  1. Which one is the condition for C.P
    • Dilute solution
    • No dissociation
    • No association
    • All

  1. What is relation between molecular mass of solute and C.P
    • They proportion to each other
    • They inversely proportion
    • They are equal
    • None

  1. Which factor is introduced to remove abnormality in colligative properties
    • Degree of ionisation
    • Van’t Hoff factor
    • Both
    • Osmotic pressure

  1. Osmotic pressure depend on
    • Molality
    • Molarity
    • Normality
    • Formality

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