Solution MCQ Class-12

  1. What is the osmotic pressure of solution containing one mole solute per litre  at 300 kelvin temperature where R =  0.083 L bar/mol
    • 8.303
    • 2.490
    • 0.176
    • None

  1. What is the molarity of solution containing 20 gm NaOH in 250 ml solution
    • 1M
    • 1m
    • 0.5 M
    • 0.2M

  1. What is the vant hoff factor for HCl
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • None

  1. What is vant hoff factor number for benzoic acid
    • 0
    • 1
    • 2
    • 0.5

  1. Which one is deicing agent-
    • Glucose
    • Potassium chloride
    • Sodium chloride
    • All

  1. Ethylene glycol main function is
    • To elevate B.P
    • To depress B.P
    • To depress F.P
    • Act as icing agent

  1. To clear snow from the road which one is used-
    • KCl
    • NaCl
    • Ethylene glycol
    • All

  1. On addition one table spoon of sugar in water, vapour pressure
    • Increases
    • Decreases
    • Both
    • No effect

  1. What happen when blood cell(RBC) is placed in 0.5 % NaCl solution
    • It shrink
    • It become turgid
    • Isotonic
    • Osmosis occurs

  1. Aquatic animals are more comfort in cold water than warm water due to
    • Less solubility of 02
    • More solubility of glucose
    • More solubility of 02
    • All

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