Amine Quiz

The electrolytic reduction of nitrobenzene in strongly acidic medium produces:

If primary amines are treated with ketones the product is

Solubility of ethylamine in water is due to--


Diazo coupling reaction can be use to distinguish:

Which one of the following on reduction with LiAlH4 yields a secondary amine

Melting points are normally the highest for-

Nitration of acetanilide followed by hydrolysis gives-

Ethanamine can be obtained if the following compound is heated with [KOH + Br2]

Aniline on treatment with bromine water yields white precipitate of:

Which of following can be use to distinguish primary, secondary and tertiary amine?

Among the following which one is not formed in Hoffmann degradation

Hydrogen attached to nitrogen is released in the reaction?

Which of the following does not reduce Tollen's reagent:

Which one of the following tests can be used to identify primary amino group in a given organic compound:

Which one of the following amine compound gives alcohol with HNO2:

Gabriel reaction for the synthesis of amines, involves the use of

Aniline on direct nitration produces

Aniline is purified by:

Aniline can be obtained by:

Which of the following is used as a solvent in the Friedel–Crafts reaction:

The gas leaked from a storage tank of the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal gas tragedy was:

Gabriel phthalimide reaction is used in the synthesis of

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