How Do Organisms Reproduce Quiz

Which of the following is not the part of femalereproductive system?

Condensed and coiled form of DNA present inside nucleus is called

The common passage for sperms and urine in themale reproductive system is:


The ability of a cell to divide into several cells during reproduction in Plasmodium is called

Gametes are formed during

In a potato, vegetative propagation takes place by:


Fruits are formed from

Which of the following plants shows unisexualflowers?

DNA is found inside


In Rhizopus, blob like structures at tips of filaments are called

Which of the following is not true regarding sexual reproduction?

Which of the following reproductive structure is produced post fertilisation?


Vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which___________ is cut and tied

Which of the following is multicellular structure?

Which microbe causes kala-azar and how does it reproduces?


Which of the following does not show internal fertilisation ?

The correct sequence of reproductive stages seen inflowering plants is

In human females, an event that reflects onset ofreproductive phase is:


IUCD are inserted in---

Characters that are transmitted from parents to offspring during reproduction show

Which of the following organism use ability of regeneration as a mode of reproduction?


Fertilisation in human beings takes place in

Which of the following organism is also called malarial parasite ?

The flower of the Hibiscus plant is


Growth and development of embryo take place in

Procedure of tubectomy is performed as a method of contraception in

Bryophyllum can be propagated vegetatively by the


In Spirogyra, asexual reproduction takes place by

The testes perform the following function/functions:

Which of the following is a bacterial STDS?

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