Human Eye Class 10 MCQ Quiz for 2023

Human eye quiz for class 10 like Human eye and the Colourful World.Human eye and colourful world class 10 important questions with answers. Q-1)Wavelength of the light is expressed in_? Q-2 The angle between its two lateral faces is called the____?Q-3 Twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric—-

Human Eye MCQ Quiz

Human Eye – Structure

Human Eye – Defects FAQ

What is Myopia?

The defect in which a person can see near object but enable to see far object is called Myopia

What is hypermetropia?

The defect in which a person can see far object but enable to see near object is called Hypermetroopia

What is presbypia?

The decease of power of accomodation of eye in old age as cilliary muscle becomes and lens losses its flexibility.

What is Astigmatism?

It is the irregular shape of cornea as result a person can not focus his eye on horizontal as well as vertical plane

Human Eye – FAQ

What is the human eye?

Eye is an important organ of our body. it enable us to see the objects arround us

What is the function of eye?

Eye enable us to see the objects arround us. It form inveted image on retina with the help of Rods and Cone cell

What are the 7 main parts of the eye?

1). Cornea 2). Lens 3)Aqueous humour. 4)Vitreous humour. 5)Retina. 6)Iris. 7)Blind spot

What is power of Accomodation of eye?

It is the ability of eye to focus nearby as well as distant object by changing the focal length.

Wha is cornea of eye?

it is white bulging tranparent part in front of the eye. It maintain the shape of eye.

What is retina?

It is light sensitive part present on the retina where inverted image is formed by lens.

What is Blind spot?

it is a place on retina where Rods and Cones cell are absent.

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